315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402

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  3. 315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402
Events at this venue

American Red Cross Blood Drive

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive here at St. Mark's. This event is happening on August 21, in our Family Life Center. Please register with the American Red Cross if you are interested in donating blood.

Youth Gathering “Getting Ready Session”

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

All Youth (Jr. High & High School) are encouraged to attend devotion and game night on February 25.  

Oasis Campus Ministry – College Worship Service

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Come join the Oasis Campus Ministry as they have a college-led worship on Saturday, October 14th at 5:00 PM in the Family Life Center. Refreshments will be provided!

Annual Chicken BBQ

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Come join us on Saturday, September 30th at 5:00pm for dinner. The chicken dinner is $12 per person, and all proceeds will go towards the St. Mark's Academy.

Beware of Scams – Protect Yourself From Scams

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

In these times, it can be difficult to tell if phone calls/emails are scams. Come join us on Tuesday, September 26th for a workshop to learn how to protect yourself from scams. Click this link to register!  

American Red Cross Blood Drive

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Sign up to donate blood here at St. Mark's on August 23rd.

Little Lions Sunday

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Vacation Bible School – The Great Treasure Hunt

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

The Great Treasure Hunt is a fantastic new adventure for our VBS this year! There will be pirates, parrots and plenty of fun as children will be pursuing clues, designing treasure maps and chests, singing swarthy songs, and realizing the truth:  All real treasure maps lead to Christ. God's love for us and the love […]

Mulch, Topsoil and Stone Fundraiser for Bright Beginnings Preschool

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Bright Beginnings Preschool, a Ministry of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, is conducting an exciting fundraiser through D & D Landscaping Supply. For each cubic yard of double shredded much and topsoil, D & D will give a portion of the profit to the preschool. A cubic yard is equal to about 13 bags of mulch. […]

Women In Christ Conference

315 South College Drive Bowling Green Ohio 43402 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Busy women, whether working primarily inside or outside the home, often struggle to figure out how to set aside time to invest in nurturing their own faith. These days our world travels at a pace that can leave us feeling overwhelmed, overly committed and completely stressed. If you are juggling a career, home and perhaps […]