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Maundy Thursday Worship

315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Maundy Thursday celebrates Christ's giving his disciples the new commandment to love one another, and instituting the sacrament of Holy Communion at his Last Supper. This special worship service includes Holy Communion and ends with the stripping of the altar to symbolize Christ's arrest and humiliation. Click here for Bulletin

Good Friday Worship

315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Witness Christ's arrest and crucifixion during this special service featuring dramatic readings and hymns. This modified version of the traditional tenebrae is timed to coincide with the natural darkening of evening to simulate Christ's descent into death. Click here for Bulletin   

Service of Healing of the Sick & Blessing of Essential Workers

Parking Lot 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

This special service is designed to bless and pray for all those who seek physical, emotional or spiritual healing, as well as those who are designated “essential workers” during this pandemic. Join us for this special drive-in worship service of music, prayer and blessing.

Blessing of the Animals

Parking Lot 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Pets have become frequent attenders at Drive-In church. They are well loved members of our church family! October 4 is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on which it is traditional to offer a blessing of the animals. The blessing will be offered at all three Sunday services. Bring your pet for a blessing! […]

Reformation Sunday

Parking Lot 315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

In 1517, Martin Luther declared his faith by nailing the 95 theses onto the door of the church in Wittenburg. In 2020, we will declare our faith and celebrate the Reformation by honking our horns in the parking lot at all three worship services - 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00!

Stations of the Saints

Carter Park 401 Campbell Hill Road, Bowling Green, OH, United States

This year we celebrate All Saints Sunday with Stations of the Cross at Carter Park. There will be 12 stations with illustrations representing different saints. Each saint will be one that is universally recognized by Catholic & Protestants alike. Participants can listen to an audio podcast and follow along on our website as they drive […]

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

315 S. College Dr, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Celebrate the birth of our Savior at this beautiful and traditional candlelight service with Holy Communion. Sing the songs you love as we welcome the Prince of Peace into our lives. Come enjoy this silent night of worship, and ponder the wondrous gift you have been given in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sunday Worship (Inside & Parking Lot)


At St Mark’s, you’ll be welcomed into a friendly, energized environment by people who are excited to see you.   At a weekend service, you can expect: Each service to last about one hour. Outstanding music and singing. Thought-provoking messages based on the Bible. Fun teaching for your kids.

Palm Sunday Worship


Join us as we begin our Holy Week journey to the cross of Good Friday and the empty tomb of Easter morning.

Easter Worship


Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! The worship will include Holy Communion, as well as the singing of your favorite Easter hymns.

Easter Worship


Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! The worship will include Holy Communion, as well as the singing of your favorite Easter hymns.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship


At St Mark’s, you’ll be welcomed into a friendly, energized environment by people who are excited to see you.   At a weekend service, you can expect: Each service to last about one hour. Outstanding music and singing. Thought-provoking messages based on the Bible. Fun teaching for your kids.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship


At St Mark’s, you’ll be welcomed into a friendly, energized environment by people who are excited to see you. At a weekend service, you can expect: Each service to last about one hour. Outstanding music and singing. Thought-provoking messages based on the Bible. Fun teaching for your kids.