Youth Group Meeting
Youth group for middle and high school students will meet at noon, following the second worship service. Lunch will be served, followed by a business meeting and a scavenger hunt! Invite a friend!
Youth group for middle and high school students will meet at noon, following the second worship service. Lunch will be served, followed by a business meeting and a scavenger hunt! Invite a friend!
St. Mark's vs. Stony Ridge (St. John's)
In the I Can Only Imagine Study, Bart Millard, of the band Mercy Me, shares his own personal story with you. He watched a monster become a godly man. He came face to face with his own brokenness, and he saw God transform a lifetime of hurt into a beautiful and enduring purpose. This is a four […]
Ringing handbells is a fun way to praise the Lord! No prior musical experience is required. The bells will ring approximately once a month in worship, as well as for special services and events.
Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls by Gary L. Thomas (Author) Parenting is a school for spiritual formation, says author Gary Thomas, and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children profoundly alters us forever…even when the journey is sometimes a rough one. Sacred Parenting is […]
Men's Basketball open to all adult men.
St. Mark's vs. Bethlehem #1 (Pemberville)
In the I Can Only Imagine Study, Bart Millard, of the band Mercy Me, shares his own personal story with you. He watched a monster become a godly man. He came face to face with his own brokenness, and he saw God transform a lifetime of hurt into a beautiful and enduring purpose.
This year's Christmas Concert is bigger and better than ever! St. Mark's choirs will join with the Bowling Green Community Band and BiG Band BG ( to sing and play all your favorite Christmas songs and hymns. Join us for this wonderful celebration and get into the Christmas spirit.
All middle school - college age singers are invited to have a fun night of singing and fellowship. Meet at the church at 4:30 pm